Over the Moon is a computeranimated musical fantasy film directed by Glen Keane and codirected by John Kahrs, from a screenplay by Audrey Wells with additional screenplay material by Alice Wu and Jennifer Yee McDevitt The film was produced by Pearl Studio and Netflix Animation, and animated by Sony Pictures Imageworks It stars the voices of Cathy Ang, Phillipa Soo, KenOct 28, · RELATED Netflix StreamFest Makes Service Free for 48 Hours This is due to what happens to Chang'e, who goes through her own journey on the dark side of the moon Long ago, she took immortality pills, which sent her to the moon and separated her from HouyiIn Netflix's Over the Moon, the Chinese legend of Chang'e becomes a launchpad for a young girl named Fei Fei, who travels to the moon in search of the legendary goddess What she finds is a glowing, fantastical world full of strange creatures spun up by the allpowerful spirit herself Netflix S Over The Moon Review The Movie S Stunning And Psychedelic...